Safety and Security

We want to make your stay with us as remarkable and memorable as possible. For this this reason, we have established some safety and security features in every nick and corner of our huge venue. Every perilous possibility has been accounted for and we have taken utmost care to keep our standards.

  • All the hotel rooms we provide you with for staying and resting have CCTV cameras and smoke detectors installed in them.
  • 5 Foam, CO2 and water fire extinguishers are available in every floor of all the hotels.
  • All children going who are involved in activities will wear a hand-band showing their parents’ name and phone number.
  • All places in our venue have CCVT cameras installed.
  • The Metropolitan Police (MET) guard our area.
  • Help desks and toilets are available every 100 metres.
  • We are served by the NHS for our ambulances and doctors and fire engines are also available.

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